Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Introduction to the MINI MAX Workout

What is a MINI MAX Workout ?

It is a MINI workout that the MAXimally energizes the TOTAL BODY… in as few as 10 SECONDS.

The MINI MAX movements AWAKEN and MOBILIZE all the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissues from toes to head by dramatically increasing blood and lymph circulation.
The results are improved flexibility and mobility and sports performance.

Although not necessary, MUSIC offers motivating rhythms. Music with a high number of beats per minute (100 +) appear to be the most encouraging. If you can last a full song, you are in good shape and will reap excellent cardiovascular benefits. 

Unless you are a flagrant extrovert, you should avoid performing this exercise in public. Observers will be shocked and respond with anything from:
 a. overt gawking and pointing, 
 b. hysterical laughter, 
 c. urgently calling 911 for medical intervention.

I speak from experience when I report that the only public place you can exercise and express yourself with a MINI MAX and feel somewhat comfortable is in the dark corner of a dance floor.

Ray Williams

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